Please review the following Terms and Conditions carefully. These Terms and Conditions govern your business relationship with The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® and your conditions of use by visiting this Website. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® may make the changes to the information contained in this Website, or to the products and/or services, described and contained herein at anytime and without notice. You should periodically review, the most up-to-date version, of our Terms of Use. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® may, in its sole discretion, revise the Terms of Use, and Policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such revisions. Use of this Website constitutes your complete acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not wish to accept these Terms and Conditions / Terms of Use, do not visit this Website.

Copyright Notice

All content included on The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® website is protected by United States copyright law, and may not be copied, duplicated, saved, archived, reproduced, removed, modified, altered, transmitted, emailed, displayed, published, broadcast, printed, pinned, distributed, dragged, or captured by any means, (including on your computer or mobile device), is strictly prohibited. You may not alter or remove any website content, website materials, trademarks, copyrights, images, watermarks, data, documentation, text, or any website content or website material whatsoever. You are expressly prohibited from reproducing, distributing, or creating derivative works based upon the images, converting images to any other medium, publishing, broadcasting, transmitting the images in any medium (including digital or electronic media). Removing anything from this website is strictly prohibited. You do not have any permission to do so.

Our Terms of Use is warning you, that any breach in our Terms of Use, or taking something without permission is theft, and considered civil and criminal infringement. Not following these Terms of Use, is a willful, intentional violation of copyright and trademark laws. All other content is also protected by United States copyright and trademark laws. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® retains all rights it may hold, including copyrights and trademarks, in all of its original museum works, images, text, watermarks, documentation, licenses, data, coding, software, and will not infringe the rights of any third parties. Copyright and other proprietary rights may be held by individuals or entities other than, or in addition to, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® prohibits the copying of any material or other notice from copies of the content that is on this website. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® prohibits any removal or copying of any content, images or materials on this website. You may not alter, or remove any trademark, copyright, watermark, or other notice from copies of the content, that is on this website. Any unauthorized use of this Website’s entire Content, Website Materials, Trademarks, Copyrights, Original Works, Images, Watermarks, on this website, is strictly prohibited. Not following these Terms of Use, is a willful, intentional violation of copyright and trademark laws, and is considered civil and criminal infringement, which include civil and criminal penalties.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® and The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® Logo, are Federally Registered Trademarks, with The United States Patent and Trademark Office. All Officially Registered Trademarks and All Intellectual Property, owned by, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®. All Trademarks owned by, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® are officially registered trademarks, service marks, and/or trade names, and the Intellectual Property of, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®.

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® Intellectual Property, and Federal Trademarks and Copyrights, includes, but is not limited to, Original Fine Arts, Original Fine Art Paintings, and Original Artworks, Original Creations, Original Concepts, Original Ideas, Original Designs, Original Executions, Original Look and Feel, Original Expressions, Original Style and Original Arrangements, Original Displays, Original Set Designs and Original Sets, Original Mixed Media Concepts and Original Designs, Original Rendering, Original Techniques, Original Multimedia, Original Graphic Designs, Original Lighting, Original Photography, Original Photography Angled Shots, Original Creative Writing, Original Visual Storytelling, Original Visual Experiences, Original Story Boards, Original “Immerse the viewer” in the Visual Story, Original Product Names and Original Descriptions, All Original Museum Content, and Creative and Intellectual Property, owned by, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®, (collectively, “All” the “Materials”) are proprietary to The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®. All other content is also protected by United States copyright law. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® retains all rights it may hold, including copyrights and trademarks, in all of its original museum works, executions, look and feel, images, text, licenses, documentation, data, coding, software, and will not infringe the rights of any third parties. Any unauthorized use of any Content, Website Content, Website Materials, Trademarks, Copyrights, Watermarks, Licenses, on this Website, is strictly prohibited.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions, and any amendments thereto, shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. Any dispute arising out of, in connection with, or related to the Agreement, and Our Terms and Conditions, shall be brought in any Federal or State Court, located in San Francisco or Marin County, and the State of California, and the parties hereby waive any objection that they may have, to personal jurisdiction in these courts.

Website Links

This website may provide links or references to other websites. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-site pages, or other sites linked to the website. Your linking to any off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.

User Responsibility

If you do not follow these website Terms and Conditions / Terms of Use, then do not visit this website. We take any unauthorized use very seriously. All claims or allegations arising under or relating to these Terms of Use, will be filed and prosecuted. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® will, in addition to any other remedies, be awarded all of its costs of collection and legal fees, including the fees of attorneys, accountants, expert witnesses, and other consulting professionals.

 If you know of someone whom is not visiting this website properly, and whom is not abiding by these Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. We can assure you, we will also investigate and track the infringing user and/or users, to the source and/or sources.

The user assumes all responsibility for properly visiting The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® website, and waives all claims against The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® and its agents that may arise from using this website. You accept the products and/or services, “AS IS”, and The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® disclaims all warranties of any kind in merchantability.

Return Policy

You accept and understand, any museum gift shop merchandise returns, need to be called in, as soon as you decided upon returning the item, (or up to ten days, after the actual delivery arrival day, of your purchase). We will explain the return shipping arrangements, with you voice to voice. Then, once we receive the item being returned, we will promptly send you a store credit for the exact amount paid, and you may use the store credit towards another gift shop purchase. 

Inquiries or Questions

If you have any questions regarding these Terms of Use, of visiting this website, you may call us, at any time: The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® 1 (415) 806 – 7444. You must leave your name and contact phone number, so we can call you back, in the order your call was received.

Contact Information

For any other questions or inquiries, you may email our museum curator, but you must provide your name and contact phone number, in the content of your email. So we can call you back, in the order of emails, and/or calls received. 

Terms and Agreement

Our Terms and Conditions, and Terms of Use, are warning you, that any breach in our Terms and Agreement, is considered Civil and Criminal Infringement. Not following these Terms and Conditions, is a willful, intentional violation of Trademark and Copyright Laws, and is considered Civil and Criminal Infringement, which include Civil and Criminal Penalties. 

If you read these Terms and Conditions carefully, and binding Terms of Agreement, and Terms of Use, then you can avoid being criminally prosecuted, which would also bring you very bad karma.

Use of this Website constitutes your complete acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these binding Terms and Conditions, do not visit this Website.