The Dow Museum of Fine Arts™ / Our Mission / Our Vision / Our Values      Welcome to: The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®

           Our Mission / Our Vision / Our Values

               The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® 

is our very large, privately owned, multi-dimensional,

         Fine Arts and Entertainment Museum!

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Welcome to, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® where our dedicated mission, our life’s purpose, and our entire museum, is to encourage the fine art of divine presence, and divine love, with all forms of, Fine Arts and Entertainment. A museum, where purposeful and meaningful, aesthetic beauty, and loving kindness, make the world a better place! “We are a museum, that teaches elegance, beauty, and refinement, internally and externally!”

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® is so passionate about what we do, that we’ve dedicated our entire lives, to all areas of, Fine Arts and Entertainment! A Dedication, Discipline, and Passion, that ‘IS’ literally, ‘Everything’, and ‘All’ that we do, every single day, of our lives! We eat, drink, dance, paint, design, film, dream, and breath, Fine Arts and Entertainment! It’s the food for our souls! So even if we were, to take a day off, we would still be spending our time, and every waking hour, creating amazing art and brilliant entertainment! We are so dedicated and passionate, that we stay up very late, and we can’t wait to bounce out of bed, very early in the mornings, to continue passionately, creating our masterpieces! As Eternal Optimists, and as spiritual teachers, we’ve also lived an existence, of serving others, through prayer, positive thoughts, guidance, wisdom, experience, insight, counsel, teaching, and conscious love. 

Our mission and life’s purpose, is to educate, and inspire our audiences, through all of Our Museum’s Fine Arts and Entertainment, with divine presence, conscious love, happiness, and laughter! The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® always provides the most beautifully, sophisticated, and enlightening environment, to promote presence; and to feed your soul, the same way, that we passionately, feed our souls.

All of our wonderful online visitors, guests, and customers, visiting The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®, are always able to experience our Exquisite Multi-Dimensional Fine Arts and Entertainment Museum, with Divine Presence. We are showing you, some of our Storyboards and our clear Vision ahead of time, of what our physical location will look like. Featuring our many Exclusive Museum Specialty Departments, our Breathtaking, Modern and Classical, Original Fine Art Paintings, and all other forms of, Fine Arts, Movies, and Entertainment, with Divine Presence. 

You can also Shop, in our Exquisite, online Museum Gift Shop, featuring, our Extraordinary Merchandise!

Where You will find, the Perfect Keepsake, Gift, or Treasure!

‘Be Intentional’, and ‘Be Present’, as you Shop!

If you take your time, to read our original museum products names, and our original museum products descriptions, they will spark your Higher Self, by raising your level of consciousness. We intentionally write our descriptions beautifully, as reminders, and as guidance, for you to ‘be more present’; and our entire museum, is always an environment, to feed your soul. Everything in our museum, promotes presence, and enlightenment. 

Visiting a Museum, is when, you would ‘want’ to go at a slower pace, and take your time. 

“While we take the time, to admire, exquisitely beautiful things, we become more present; and internally, we become more beautiful.”

At The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® we are able to stimulate a wide range, and growing audience, by welcoming you, to experience us, at any time online!

All of our magnificent exhibits and remarkable collections, are exceptional in-person, or online.

Being able to show you, our museum online, let’s you enjoy our innovative and multi-dimensional ways, of how we always execute things, distinctively, intentionally, and extremely meticulously. We work tirelessly, putting so much time, into every single detail and every department, of our very large institution. So you can appreciate our dedication and passion, and our steadfast commitment, to our museum’s mission and life’s purpose. We live by the words, “Remember Your Aim Tenaciously!”, and we do just that!

We can let you experience, our museum and our vision, showing you, many of our masterfully painted, modern and classical original fine art paintings, and all of our, current and upcoming, featured fine arts, movies, and entertainment! For you to enjoy, at different scheduled times, through many of our unlimited visual fine arts, that we always keep very fresh and extremely entertaining! We have several current and upcoming museum exhibitions, our special features, and many other exciting scheduled museum displays, traveling exhibits, and grand exhibitions. You can also look forward to, many of our vast fine art museum collections, and masterpieces, that we also display, and showcase during certain times. You can visit our museum’s website now, and our physical location after all stages are implemented and completed to perfection. 

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® is under the leadership of an extremely multi-talented, creative, innovative, analyzing, meticulous, “modern mind of our times, possessing a very old, and renaissance soul”; whom is, the visionary behind our extraordinary museum, you are visiting now, and the visionary, for the future vision, principal floor plans, drawings, and location.

The principal floor plans, the technical drawings, and our very large museum’s map, details our museum’s exact lay out, our buildings, blueprints, vision and designs. For our interior designs, formal layout, execution, style, designs, and color choices; we masterfully, always enjoy mixing our modern and contemporary elegance, with our classical and renaissance refinement, exquisitely and gracefully! The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® principal floor plans, consists of, our many galleries, wings, several of our very large specialty departments, our cinema, our gift shop, our grand ballrooms, function rooms, auditorium, board rooms, executive offices, lecture rooms, classrooms, and workshop rooms, a library, equipment rooms, formal dining rooms, daily quotation and sitting rooms, a chapel church, courtyards, a fitness center, meditation rooms, a green house, a backyard organic garden, and so much more!

During our principal floor plans, and process, we intentionally, and exquisitely, design and furnish, our entire museum, with our distinctive, refined, sophistication. We always design and showcase our larger rooms, to embody our entire museum’s trademark grace and elegance. Our vision and purpose, and our refined, signature style, are also, intentionally, and beautifully, elegantly designed, in all of, our museum’s very large departments, and equipment rooms, and many other, of our very special museum rooms. Our entire museum’s lay out, is drawn and designed to perfection. We intentionally create, elegantly designed rooms, that always tell our own stories, through our original fine arts and entertainment! We are master fine artists and designers; and in our gallery, we purposefully, and intentionally, like to keep many of our gallery rooms unfurnished and subdued, and our frames simple, so they never detract from, Our Original Fine Art Paintings we feature on display!

In our museum gallery collections and exhibitions, where, our currently featured, original fine art paintings are displayed, you will see, that we don’t need furniture. Our Original Fine Art Paintings, make the whole room!

We joke with our art collector’s, by telling them, “Hang the Right Painting, and you don’t need furniture.”

And All of, “Our, Original Fine Art Paintings, Intriguingly, Immerse You in the Story!”

“Our Exquisite Original Fine Art Paintings, can tell the Greatest Stories, of the whole Room!”

We express our heartfelt gratitude, to all of, our fine art collectors, and art lovers, for sharing the same level of valuation and appreciation, that we have.

Our distinctive trademarks, our signature, our genres, and our style, are exactly who we are, and what we are known for!

Our entire museum and our entire brand, are always known for, modern and classical elegance!

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® aims for the highest standards of professionalism and excellence, in all its endeavors.

We serve as a place, for whom, the elegance and refinement, of the arts, is a new experience for them. And for those, that already appreciate fine art, we thank you for your valuation. 

“Our steadfast commitment, and our life’s purpose, is to paint, design, and film, the entire world’s landscape, a more beautiful, more positive, and consciously loving place, to ‘be’!” 

Our loving mission, can remind people, that as they gaze at all of God’s Heavenly Creations, to truly see, how very blessed we all are, to live in, such an awe-inspiring, breathtaking, and spectacular existence, and for all of us, to be as beautiful on the inside, as what we see on the outside! Your inner beauty, can be just as radiating, as your outer beauty! 

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® is committed to guide people, to ‘be’ more present, and to continue practicing, ‘being’ more present, each and every day; and to heighten, their level of awareness and consciousness.

If everyone practices, being more present, and reminding each other, to ‘be’ more ‘present’, this world will be, a more, consciously loving place!

People practicing the fine art of divine presence, live a richer, more meaningful life.

We are also, dedicated and committed, to helping people, by guiding them, and reminding them, to just ‘be themselves’. We guide and help people, to ‘feel’ the great happiness, that is always, already, dwelling inside of them. We remind people, that happiness is free! And happiness, is available to everyone! You can be happy, just where you are, this very moment. Happiness is already dwelling inside of you, every day! Being Present, and having gratitude, will make you, ‘feel’ happier and happier, with each day, that we guide you! With our positive energy and loving guidance, we will inspire you, to ‘feel’, ‘All’ of that incredible happiness, that is always, and already, dwelling inside of you!

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® is our very large, multi-dimentional, fine arts and entertainment museum, providing, many divine and heavenly experiences, through, all of the visual arts, fine arts, and entertainment.

The fine art of divine presence, and all of, the fine arts and entertainment, improves, and enhances peoples lives!

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® keeps all of our, very large privately owned fine arts collections in trust, to feature, to entertain, and to educate, by captivating our audiences, through unlimited featured exhibitions, of, all of our, fine arts and entertainment. The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® owns extraordinary collections, that span over the entire lifetime of our master fine artist, that involve all forms of visual expression and execution; including, but not limited to, original fine art paintings, and original masterpieces, fine arts and entertainment, all areas of filmmaking, digital and video, multi media and experimental, interactive designs, drawings, illustrations, graphic designs, illustrated books, prints, photography, architecture and designs, feng shui and feng shui interior designs, the fine art of divine presence, and so much more! 

We’ve dedicated our entire lives, to telling incredible stories, through Fine Arts and Entertainment!

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® has established and maintains this website, in support of its mission.

“We Believe, You should Always leave a Museum, a Better Person.”

God Bless You Always! 

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® © All Content Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.

The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® and The Dow Museum of Fine Arts® Logo, are Federally Registered Trademarks, with The United States Patent and Trademark Office. All Officially Registered Trademarks, and Intellectual Property, are owned by, The Dow Museum of Fine Arts®.